
Understanding Individuals in Society

University: N/A

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1608
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 84

Question 1: Terrorism

1. Identify a Recent Newspaper Article That Discusses the Issue of Terrorism.

Name of the newspaper: Daily Mail

Name of the author of the article: David Wilcock

2. Identify the Sociological Perspective Being Used to Discuss the Issue of Terrorism.

In the context of the sociological perspective, terrorism can be described as a phenomenon having several specific elements such as counter-hegemony, resource mobilization, counter-institutionalization, ritualization, social solidarity, and power-prestige dynamics.

3. In What Way Does This Perspective Explain Terrorism?

This perspective explains terrorism in terms of three emerging trends, including criminalization, fragmentation, and spectacularization. It explains counterhegemonic terrorism as well as organizational dynamics, which are responsible for participating in political violence. Meanwhile, terrorism is an attempt at negative activities that develop violence in society and harm people as well as property (Stapley, 2018).

Question 2: Mental Health and Contemporary Society

1. Identify a Sociology Perspective on Mental Health

The sociological perspective provides the statement of social influences that are responsible for creating several mental health problems in people. It consists of the issues of society, including inequality, rejection in the community, discrimination, social injustice, etc. However, the negative behaviors of people in society impact negatively on the mental state of individuals, causing different psychological issues like stress, depression, anxiety, and so on.

2. Who Is the Key Thinker of Your Chosen Perspective?

The key thinker of the selected perspective of mental health is Krysia N. Mossakowski.

3. What Are the Two Key Points Used to Explain Mental Health?

The two key points of explaining mental health consist of emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Another key point includes the response and reactions of an individual, which is an outcome of how an individual thinks, feels, and acts (White and Gelinas, 2016). Moreover, several components contribute to the occurrence of mental illness, such as life experiences, family history, and biological factors.

4. What Are the Disadvantages of These Perspectives?

The given perspectives about negative social influences regarding occurring mental health problems in people have the disadvantage that inappropriate perceptions and thoughts exist in society. These attempts of citizens not only develop psychological issues but also generate complications for mental patients.

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Question 3: Gender

1. Which 2 Sociological Perspectives Explain the Issue of Gender?

The perceptions and discriminating thoughts of society are responsible for creating an issue of gender. It is observed that gender roles are still addressed in today's media for marketing, which promotes gender issues among people (Gitlin and Hodgson, 2018).

For example, a commercial uses the insecurity about masculinity to market their beer.

For instance, advertisements display women in the 'traditional al' (antiquated) female role of a housekeeper.

2. Give One Example Where Women Are Oppressed by Their Gender.

For example, although the advertisements for bikes target men, they objectify women as sex objects, altering the public's perception of how women should look.

3. What Are the Similarities Between the Two Sociological Perspectives You Have Identified?

The thoughts and opinions of discrimination and addressing gender roles have a similarity of promoting sex inequality in society, which develops the problem of discriminated gender. It is responsible for creating issues in the daily lives of individuals, which is a major threat to society.

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Question 4: The Role of Religion and Science in Society

1. Which Two Sociological Perspectives Are Critical of the Role of Religion in Society?

In terms of a sociological perspective, religion can be considered a factor helpful regarding socio-unity and repairing relationships in society. It is known as a product of society, which is responsible for fulfilling the respective functions of society (Williams and Graham, 2016). Meanwhile, religion is favorable in respect of strengthening social cohesion as well as supporting social regulation.

2. What Are the Differences Between the Sociological Perspectives Identified?

Initially, the perspective of socio-unity is necessary to be developed to establish a peaceful and strong society. On the other hand, another perspective of repair is different, which states that religions are important to overcome relational conflicts or issues for creating unity among populations.

3. Discuss the Different Definitions of Religion and the Weaknesses of the Definitions.

Religion can be described as the recognition of overall duties as divine commands. It has its weakness in that it does not talk about the unity of society and relationship improvements.

Religion can be considered a dream in which our conceptions and emotions appear to people in terms of separate existences, being out of ourselves. It has the weakness of not describing frictionless thinking and socio-unity. 

4. Give an Example of How Religions Influence Human Behavior.

Religious thoughts and behaviors are responsible for influencing the actions and way of thinking of an individual (Savoie Roskos and et. al., 2017). For example, if a person is performing at work to deal with a patient, then their religious values of remaining honest influence the way of working.

Question 5: Sociological Perspectives on Criminal Behavior

1. In What Way Is Charles Murray's Explanation of Crime Similar to Emile Durkheim's Explanation?

Charles Murray provides an underclass theory of crime, which states about the group population who were long-term unemployed and effectively welfare dependent.

Emile Durkheim explains that crime has two reasons, including the fact that everyone is socialized differently, but a few individuals may not be socialized effectively.

Both of these thinkers have similar statements about crime in terms of societal factors regarding the occurrence of crime.

2. In What Ways Are These Two Perspectives Different?

These two perspectives are different in terms of using differentiated factors which are responsible for the crime.

Question 6: The Changing Nature of Families and Childhood in Society

1. What is a Child?

A child can be described as a human being having an age between stages of birth and puberty.

2. How Would you Define Family?

The family can be considered a group, including two parents and their children living together as a unit.

3. In Which Ways Has the Concept of Family Changed Since the 1960's?

The concept of family changed due to urbanization, which is responsible for changing family structure and way of living. Nuclear families were preferred previously, but after the 1960s, people used to live in small families.

Question 7: The Physical Health of the Nation

1. How Would you Define the Term 'Health'?

Health refers to the state of an individual's remaining physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being.

2. Which Ethnicity is Understood to be Most at Risk of Obesity?

Ethnicity can be considered a factor most at risk of obesity because this factor develops a major form of discrimination due to which citizens do not get proper employment education and other social services (Murray and Christison, 2019). This is responsible for creating problems for people in terms of completing regular basic needs, which develops the risk of obesity in specific communities with individuals like Hispanics, non-Hispanic blacks or whites, etc.

3. Why?

Ethnicity creates a factor of inequality in society, which creates problems for discriminated communities due to which they cannot eat and live healthily. It will facilitate the generation of the issue of obesity and make the obese conditions more complicated.

4. What is the Role of Sociology in Understanding Health?

The roles of sociology can be defined from the state of medical sociology, which consists of several impacts of cultural and social factors on medicine as well as health. It consists of various theories, like conflict theory, which explains competition among people to gain the best care services.

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Question 8: Effects of Globalization and Multiculturalism

1. What Are Some of the Positive Effects of Globalization?

It provides the great possibility to enter a new and different market across the world. It also helps in the approach to capital flows, human capital, and imports & exports of markets. This also allows us to supply the chain and become a part of global industry networks.

2. What Are Some of the Issues With 'Outsourcing' Jobs?

The issues include the loss of business, which depends on the delivery of employees. This takes a long time to work as the inaccuracy in implementing the business and miscommunication can be developed between the employers. The main issue is that some businesses can benefit by providing work at a minimum rate.

3. What is Your Definition of "Culture"?

The culture can be defined as the way of life lived by people. It is the knowledge and characteristics of the people which they adapt and do according to these things. It is also the extension of language, social habits, religion, etc.

4. Why is Cultural Diversity Important?

In the country, workplaces, schools, and communities consist of various cultural groups, so cultural diversity is important to develop understanding between people. It helps to remove the negative biases from different groups and encourages them to engage with others. It is important as it helps in interacting with others by building trust and respect between the people.

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